Wednesday 24 February 2016

Using Vacation Time To Teach Preschoolers About Giving

It's once again vacation time for Manhattan preschool students. Like other kids, your kids are also overjoyed and excited. They may have their set of demands ready for vacation time ranging from gifts to eateries to travel. While it's important for all parents to make sure their children have a good time while on break, having some time off school is a great opportunity to teach children about giving and gratitude. Here are a few interesting ways to help inculcate a habit of gratitude among preschoolers while using the time off school to explore these type of activities that are focused on giving to others.

Helping In The Smallest Ways Offers The Biggest Rewards

A great place to start is instilling the idea of helping people whenever and wherever they can into your child's daily routine. You can start with small things like passing a spoon at the dining table or helping in taking care of the dishes after dinner. These type of simple activities can teach them your children a lot. Find ways to let your children know that any help they provide is highly appreciated and make these type of joint activities positive and fun for everyone involved.

Be A Role- Model For Your Kids

Children are constantly learning, so they easily pick up on whatever they are exposed to the most. Set an example for your little ones by being grateful for everything that you have, and expressing this gratitude any time you can. Whenever the kids do something for you, appreciate it. Simple words like ‘I am very happy that you helped me’ go a long way in teaching them the value of gratitude. Many teachers of Manhattan preschools also follow this regimen and make it a point to express gratitude to their students whenever they offer help.

Teach Them To Say Thank You

While these words may sound simple, teaching kids to use them on a regular basis can be a challenge. You need to start early with inculcating this habit in kids. Create a ‘Thankfulness Jar’ in the family living room during holidays and organize a competition between family members. Tell your kids that each time they feel thankful for something, they tell you to write about it and put that note in the jar. The person with the highest notes of ‘thank you’ will be the winner of this challenge. In time, the activity itself will help instill thankfulness within the children.

Once children learn about the virtue of gratitude, their whole perception about life will shape in a positive manner and help them become happier and mentally healthier kids.

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