Wednesday 21 October 2015

Is Pre-Schooling the New Challenge?

Preschools in New York City are known to be ‘harder than Harvard’ to get into. There are many parents who are anxious to get their children into a top preschool in NYC. If they fail to do so, they tend to judge themselves as a bad parent and presume that people will begin to look at their kid differently. There are roughly 70 private schools in New York (public schools are increasing in numbers too). So the road to getting your kid into a top preschool in NYC may becoming a little bit more complex.

Aren’t we forgetting something? Busy lifestyles within “the rat race” and our ambition to get our child enrolled in the best pre-school in New York is understandable, but are we compromising the actual quality of education by doing so?

Investing in your child’s early education provides a good foundation to the child’s growth. Besides the facilities provided by a preschool (science labs, pottery studios, sustainable garden roofs and yoga corners to name a few) what matters most is the faculty of that school. A team of dedicated early childhood educators who work tirelessly to promote cognitive, social, emotional and physical development of every kid in the class is what parents should look for most when researching preschool options for their young children.

At Montclare children’s school, the main focus is to foster positive growth and the well-being of the whole child. That includes:

    Encouraging the perceptual, intellectual and physical development of children
    Cultivating the skills to augment their future studies
    Teaching the young minds to be kind, gracious and independent human beings.

The primary focus of the educators at Montclare, a renowned pre-school in NYC, is to provide a secure and stimulating learning environment to the children because optimal learning occurs only when children are nurtured in a safe setting.

“My day begins by greeting smiling faces at the door and hearing a chorus of “good mornings.”  Then the real work begins  -  Educator, Montclare Children’s School

‘Play’ is a principal element of open ended programs directed by teachers at Montclare. It allows children to explore and acknowledge the world around them.

‘Imagination Playground’ serves combined benefits of different play activities including dramatic, constructive and gross motor play. It helps children with all round growth and development.
To know more about ‘Imagination Playground’, please visit:

Several schools in NYC lay emphasis on developing a child’s emotional and social skills. Montclare is one such NYC pre-school offering a strong and balanced curriculum that fosters the growth of the whole child.

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